Side Effects Of Alkaline Water
Chances are that you have not heard about the side effects of Alkaline Water.
But everything that has a positive side also has a negative side and yes there are side effects of Alkaline Water and we will discuss them in this article.
We will cover certain points in this article
- What is Alkaline Water?
- How Alkaline water is different from normal water.
- What Alkaline water does to our body.
- We will clear some myths about Alkaline water.
- We will address Side Effects of Alkaline Water.
- We will address some FAQs.
- Summary of Alkaline Water and Side effects of Alkaline Water.
The Alkaline Water is ionized water whose pH level has been increased artificially.
The pH value decides if something is Acidic or Alkaline.
If something has a value below 7 it is considered as Acidic and if something has a value above 7 it is considered Alkaline.
The pH value can be as low as 1 which is very Acidic and it can be as high as 14 which very Alkaline.
The pH value of normal tap water is 7 which is considered neutral which means that it is neither Acidic nor Alkaline.
The question is that what is the effect does Alkaline Water has on our body.
The Alkaline Water has a high pH so it can neutralize the acid in your stomach. It is also said that Alkaline Water contains Alkaline minerals and negative oxidation-reduction potential(ORP).
ORP can act as an antioxidant for your body. The more negative th e ORP the more antioxidizing value it has.
There are so myths revolving around Alkaline Water hiding the side effects of Alkaline Water some of it is true and some of it is not.
Many myths are even spread by Alkaline Water companies as it is a Billion Dollar industry.
We will address some of the most commons myths know
Alkaline Water was believed to help reduce the incidence of osteoporosis, which is also known as bone loss. But there is no proof of this.
An analysis of 55 studies conducted on alkaline versus acidic diet for bone loss, revealed that there is no link between acidic or alkaline food or drinks affecting bone loss.
Acid reflux
It is also spread that drinking something basic will fight off the acid in your stomach but it is not so true, there has been no clinical study to prove this.
So Alkaline Water will not help you with acid reflux.
Although there was a study done that Alkaline water of pH 8.8 might block some amount of acid in your stomach but it is not enough to treat acid reflux also there is no clinical study done for this.
No drinking Alkaline Water will not help you with cancer.
It was spread online that drinking Alkaline Water can shrink your cancer cells but it is not true. Even Forbes posted an article titled “No Drinking Alkaline Water will not help you with Cancer”.
Alkaline Water is also considered as one of the detox drinks.
Companies are claiming that it can detox your body again for the sake of advertisements only.
Our body is built in a way to detox toxins out automatically and yes some drinks might help in that but certainly not Alkaline Water, tap water will have the same effect for a detox as Alkaline water.
Weight Loss
It is the worst myth we came across, no it will not help you with weight loss.
Alkaline Water will work the same for you as normal tap water for weight loss. If you really want to lose weight you should go for some methods that will actually work.
Take a look at these articles if you are serious about weight loss Intermittent Fasting to lose weight
27 ways to lose weight without exercise
Now let’s take a look at the possible Side effects if Alkaline Water and how it affects our
Nutrition deficiency
Alkaline Water can cause some nutrition deficiency in your body.
Alkaline Water is made by the ionization process and reverse osmosis process and in the process, it may lose certain minerals which can result in the deficiency of those minerals in your body.
Even the World Health Organization (WHO)advises not to consume Alkaline Water regularly, you can consume natural Alkaline Water sometimes as it contains minerals.
Kills good bacteria in the stomach
While you think you are drinking Alkaline Water to alkalize your body, more consumption of Alkaline Water can kill good bacteria in your stomach.
Too much Alkalinity in your body may generate gastrointestinal problems.
It can lead to skin problems.
Too much Alkaline Water in your body can disturb the natural pH of your body resulting in Metabolic Alkalosis.
Metabolic Alkalosis is an illness which can cause
Lower normal acidity
Drinking Alkaline Water can lower the normal acidity of your body.
Normal acidity is really important to kill bacteria and it is responsible to get rid of unwanted pathogens which might affect your bloodstream.
Alkaline water has some health benefits too but it costs too much compared to tap water.
So we suggest you stay away from bottled Alkaline Water but you may try natural or homemade Alkaline Water sometimes to have some benefits from it.
How to make Alkaline Water with lemon.
Just add some lemon to water and boom it is ready.
The pH of lemon is below 7 and it is acidic in nature so when drinking it, it boosts the pH level above 7 which is alkaline in nature.
For better results, it is advised to start the morning with lemon Alkaline Water.
How to make Alkaline Water with baking soda.
Baking soda has pH above 9 so we can use it to make our Alkaline Water.
Add half a tablespoon in 4 liters of water and mix it well and you Alkaline Water is ready.
Can you drink Alkaline Water every day?
It is not advised to drink Alkaline Water every day but you may consume it occasionally only after a prescription from your doctor.
Can you make Alkaline Water at home?
Yes, you can make Alkaline Water at home using lemon and baking soda.
Which is more healthy tap water or Alkaline water?
Tap water and Alkaline Water both have different benefits, but stay with tap water because it does not have any side effect but there are so many side effects of Alkaline water.
There are some dangerous side effects of Alkaline Water which we had discussed in this article. Also, we had discussed how to make your own natural Alkaline Water which we will not possess the side effects of Alkaline Water as a bottled Alkaline Water poses.
If you found this article “ Side effects of Alkaline Water” why not share it with friends and family, who should be aware of these side effects.
Originally published at on June 1, 2020.