Radish Nutrition | Health Benefits Of Radish | Side Effects Of Radish
Have you ever disliked a certain food and tried it because of health benefits and then you realize that it tastes good and you don’t hate it anymore.
Well, I started eating Radish because of so many health benefits of Radish and I don’t hate it anymore I love to include it in my salad.
Radish might not be the most popular food but it sure one of the healthiest vegetables.
Radish is a vegetable which can be found whole over the world. Radish is a vegetable which is grown underground and it can be even eaten raw as a salad or you can cook it at your convenience.
Radish might not be the most popular vegetable out there but it full of health benefits. In this article, we will discuss all the health benefits of radish and we will even discuss some side effects of Radish.
So we will discuss the Health benefits of Radish and Side effects of Radish but first, let us discuss the Nutritional value of Radish.
This article is originally from Simplebodyfitness
Radish Nutrition facts
Radish is a highly nutritious food.
Radish contains Vitamin C one Radish can provide you with around 14 % of Vitamin C required by your body for a daily basis.
Radish contains a different type of minerals and vitamins which helps us improve the functioning of our body. Let’s discuss all those micronutrients found in Radish
Vitamins and minerals found in Radish
We know what our body will get if we consume a Radish so now let us discuss how it will be beneficial for our body to consume a Radish
Health Benefits of Radish
Eating a Radish on a regular basis may provide you these health benefits
1.Improves our digestive system
Fiber is one of the most important elements of food that is responsible for a better digestive system.
If you consume Radish in an ample amount it can provide you enough fiber to help you have a better digestive system. radish also helps bile production and helps safeguard our gal bladder and liver.
Also, there was a study on Radish leaves which showed that rats who were fed on high cholesterol diet Radish were a good source for fiber for them.
Another study showed that Radish juice was beneficial for people who suffer from gastric ulcers.
2. Help with Fungus problems
Radish can help you fight a fungus infection too as Radish is antifungal in nature.
Radish contains RsAFP2 antifungal protein which fights off fungus in our body.
A common fungus found in the human body is Candida albicans and in some cases, it can cause oral and vaginal infections but RsAFP2 antifungal protein helps us with this fungus.
Even in a study conducted found that RsAFP2 found in Radish can cause the cell death of the fungus Candida albicans which directly helps our body from fungus problems.
3. Radish is good for the heart and cardiovascular system
Radish contains Antioxidant known as Anthocyanins which directly helps for better heart health.
Anthocyanins have many anti-inflammatory properties which are responsible for better cardiovascular health and helps us avoid cardiovascular disease.
Anthocyanins also help to improve cardiovascular health by reducing oxidative stress.
According to a study, Raddish also helps the production of Nitric oxide and this Nitric oxide can help improve our blood flow and also helps in smoothening muscle tissue, and all these factors aid for better heart health.
Having Radish in your diet on a regular basis can help you boost your immune system.
Radish has a good amount of Vitamin C which directly improves the immunity of your body and can protect you from issues like the common cold. It can provide you around 14 % of your daily intake of Vitamin C.
Vitamin C also helps us improve our metabolism and it is also good for the production of Collagen which is responsible for the strengthening of blood vessels too.
Raddish contains Vitamin A, E, and Vitamin B6 which also helps us improve our immunity.
Related — Importance of Vitamin C and how to consume it
5. Radish has Anti-cancer properties
Another health benefits of Radish is that it can help you fight off certain types of cancers such as kidney cancer, colon cancer, oral cancer, and kidney cancer.
Actually Radish contains glucosinolates a sulfur-containing compound that helps prevent our cells from a genetic mutation which in the future can cause cancer.
Radish is a cruciferous vegetable and when these vegetables get combined with water they broke down into isothiocyanates and these isothiocyanates help to remove cancer-causing cells and can even help with the tumor.
A study conducted also found that Radish root contains several types of isothiocyanates that kill cancer-causing cells.
6. Radish can hydrate your body
Everyone knows how much hydration is important for our body and what effect we can have on our body if it is not hydrated enough.
Radish is a good choice to include in your diet to keep your body hydrated as the water content in Radish is very high around 93gram out of 100gram.
Staying hydrated will help you with issues like constipation, tiredness, and different other issues.
So it will be a good choice to include Raddish in your diet to keep yourself hydrated especially in summers.
7. Radish can give you healthy skin
One of my favorite health benefits of Radish is that it works wonders for your skin.
Raddish contains many vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Zinc, and phosphorus which are essentials for healthy skin.
These Vitamins can help fight dryness, remove acne, and help you with rashes too. Radish also has antibacterial properties so it can fight off skin infections too.
Radish also fights off against free radicals and provide you with better UV protection strength to your skin.
As you have read above it has high water content so it will also hydrate your skin. For better results, you can also make a mask for Radish and apply it directly to your face too.
8. Can help you with Weight loss
Besides so many health benefits fo Radish, it can also help your weight loss.
A 100gram Raddish will have a maximum of 16 calories most so the lower the calories and easier it is to lose weight.
Also, we discussed above that Raddish is high in fiber and also has high hydration content so a Radish will also make you feel fuller so you will eat less.
Also, it takes time to digest fiber so it will make you less hungry even you consume less amount of calories.
Also, Radish is said to improve your metabolism too which directly helps you with weight loss or weight gain issues.
Related — 27 ways to lose weight without exercise
9. Radish helps your treat Jaundice
Radish is one of the best vegetables to help you with jaundice.
Radish leaves are considered as one of the most powerful home remedies to help you with jaundice.
Radish can help detoxify our body and can remove toxins from our body it also helps in purifying our blood which will directly or indirectly help us with jaundice.
Radish helps remove bilirubin and even controls its production and that helps us with jaundice.
10. Radish is good for your liver
Including Radish in your diet for a long time can significantly improve your liver health.
Radish is a cruciferous vegetable and cruciferous vegetables help in detoxification of the liver.
Radish is high in glucosinolates which directly promotes our liver health. Eating Radish on regular basis can help your liver and gall bladder from infections too.
There is a study that shows that there are some enzymes in white radish extracts that can help avoid hepatotoxicity.
11. Radish can help you with diabetes
Radish has anti-diabetic properties which can help us control diabetes and low down blood sugar levels.
Radish has a low glycemic index so eating a Radish won,t affect your sugar levels. Radish can also help you regulate the absorption of sugar in the blood and help your diabetes.
Radish promotes metabolism and it also reduces the absorption of sugar in the intestine thus helping us with diabetes.
Radish also contains compounds that regulate adiponectin and adiponectin can help us control glucose levels in the blood.
So these were some health benefits of Radish we discussed every health benefit of Radish based on studies and facts.
After the health benefits of Radish, it is our responsibility to make you aware of some side effects of Radish as anything over a limit can also harm you.
Know we will discuss some side effects of Radish and problems related to it
With all those health benefits of Radish there might be some side effects of Radish too, lets discuss them
1. Radish is bad for people with thyroid
You might want to keep an eye on your Radish intake if you have a thyroid problem.
Radish contains Goitrogens and Goitrogens can interfere with your body’s iodine absorption process and can have some negative effects.
Radish contains Goitrogens in its raw form after being cooked most of its Goitrogens compounds get inactivated. So if you really like Radish and have thyroid problems et cooked Radish in a limited amount only.
2. Too much fiber can be bad for you
As we know Radish is full of fiber and that is what keeps our digestion going well but what if we consume too much fiber than there might be some negative effect too.
Too much fiber can be a reason for constipation or bloating so keep n eye on it, you can eat fiber on a daily basis but in limited quantity and you will not get this problem.
3. Too much iron can have a negative effect
Radish is a healthy source of iron even it is suggested to take Radish when you have Anemia which is because of iron deficiency.
But again too much of anything is bad for us, so if you are getting too much iron from Radish you might have an upset stomach.
Some peoples body does not react to Radish in a good way rather it develops some allergies to it, look at it just like someone is having allergy from it you can not do anything for it but sometimes it can be seasonal and can be treated.
Let us look at some symptoms for Radish allergy
Radish allergy symptoms
5. Might have a diuretic effect
Radish has some diuretic properties too so too much of Radish may even lead to excess loss water but in rare cases only.
Although these side effects of Radish are to not too severe and also not common you should eye for symptoms of side effects of Radish.
Know let us answer some of the most common questions asked about Radish
How many radishes should I eat a day?
A half-cup of Radish to a full cup of Radish will be a good idea to consume in a day.
This much amount of Radish will provide you with enough nutrients from Radish without overdosing it and having any type of side effect of Radish.
Yes, Radish can cause gas.
Radish is higher in fiber and eating too much fiber from any food not only Radish can cause gas.
Is radish good for bloating?
Yes and no both as too much fiber can cause bloating too less fiber, so consuming around half a cup of Radish can help you with bloating.
Radish can help you with bloating because it has high water content and it is also diuretic in nature. But consume it in a moderate amount to see its benefits.
Is radish leaves good for health?
Yes, Radish leaves can have a number of health benefits.
If you have jaundice than these Radish leaves can do wonders for you. Try Radish leaf juice when you have jaundice and see how effective it is for you.
Is it bad to eat a lot of radishes?
Yes, eating too much Radish can be bad for you especially if you suffer from thyroid.
There are other side effects of eating too much Radish such as constipation, too much fiber, or too much iron in your body we had discussed them above in detail.
Can you eat raw radishes?
Radish is mostly eaten Raw only so there is no harm in eating a Radish raw. But if you have thyroid problems eat them cooked only.
Also raw Radish some more nutrition than cooked just keep an eye how raw Radish reacts to your body if you don’t see any problem than you are good to go else try cooked one.
Can you eat the skin of a radish?
Yes, you can eat it in any way you want to try cutting the corners so it won’t have a hot feeling in your mouth.
Usually, small Radish is eaten completely with skin while bigger one’s skin are peeled.
Radish is generally safe for you to eat in any way that may be raw or cooked. Keep eye on Radish intake if you have Thyroid problems.
There are so many health benefits of Radish but don’t go overboard and eat too much as there are some side effects of Radish too.
So you can consume Radish on daily basis to see the health benefits of Radish you can include them in Salad or you can cook them they will be good for you.
Originally published at https://simplebodyfitness.com on September 7, 2020.