Can you use Peanut Butter for Weight Loss?

Himanshu Gahlawat
7 min readMay 18, 2021



Peanut Butter well that even sounds delicious to some of us and it has even become a part of our diet.

Most of the time people use Peanut Butter for gaining muscle mass because of its calorie content. But the question of the day can you use Peanut Butter for Weight Loss when it is high in calories especially in fat.

Forget weight-loss people do have questions like Is Peanut Butter Healthy?

Well to be very clear yes you can use Peanut Butter for Weight Loss it all depends on how you consume it and what diet you follow also Peanut Butter is healthy as it has many nutritional values which we will discuss further

There have been many studies conducted which show that Peanut Butter can be a good option to help you lose that extra fat if taken in moderation, which we are going to discuss further in this article.

Here are the topics which we will cover In this article

  • How Peanut Butter will help you with weight loss
  • Health benefits of Peanut Butter
  • Tips to use Peanut Butter for weight loss
  • FAQ related to Peanut Butter

So are you excited to know about Peanut Butter and Weight loss, let us dive in

How Peanut Butter will help you with weight loss

Peanut Butter can be really helpful for you to help you lose weight if used accordingly.

Considering it higher in calories especially in fat people think it is good to avoid peanut butter while losing weight, but here are the ways how peanut butter will help you lose weight.

Peanut Butter Keeps you fuller for a longer time

Whenever we are trying to lose weight and we need to be in a caloric deficit for that and when in a caloric deficit you tend to get more hungry than usual and they to snack on something and a wrong snack choice really mess up your weight loss process.

So snacking on peanut butter can be a good option for you because it might be high in calories but it is almost zero in carbs, so it will keep you fuller for a longer interval of times so that you will not get an urge to eat a snack that can make your weight loss difficult.

Also, a study conducted in 2008 also revealed that if you eat nuts or peanuts products before a meal you tend to eat smaller meals and still keeping you fuller and you might even not need that snack in between your meals.

Peanut Butter is a super healthy snack

Sometimes we might be hungry but still, get an urge to have some sugar so that eating some peanut butter instead of a candy bar will be a much better choice.

Also, it will suppress your hunger for the next meal so you don’t have to worry about extra calories you just took in. Another thing about Peanut Butter is that it is a good source of protein too which makes it even more healthy.

Also, you need some fat to function and so Peanut Butter is also a healthy fat so choosing peanut butter over any healthy option of fat such as sugar can also be your dieting strategy.

Peanut Butter will give you energy

Our body needs some kind of fuel to complete our daily tasks and give us energy.

The two main sources for this process are carbs and fats, and both are equally important.

Also, it takes more time to digest fat than carbs so fats can stay in our body for a longer time and can provide energy to us for a longer time.

Peanut butter helps your glycemic response

Certain packed foods or starchy foods can cause a spike in our blood sugar levels because they have a high glycemic index, which can result in many side effects such as obesity and many heart-related problems too.

But peanut being somewhat sweet in taste does not create a spike because it has a low glycemic index m. So by eating peanut butter you can satisfy your sweet tooth without causing any harm to your body.

Also, a study conducted in 2018 also showed that if you start eating two spoons of Peanut Butter it can help normalize your glycemic effect which otherwise is high.

What are the benefits of Peanut Butter?

We now know how peanut butter is good for weight loss, but other than weight loss there some other benefits of Peanut Butter lets discuss them

Peanut Butter can fuel your workouts

Peanut butter can fuel your workouts and provide you great energy to improve your workouts.

To use Peanut Butter as pre-workout food try to have some Peanut Butter around 60 minutes before a workout.

Also, Peanut Butter is not just great as pre-workout but it will also help you improve the recovery somewhat as it has protein too.

It has Vitamins and minerals

Although we had discussed above that Peanut Butter is very nutritious as it has protein and healthy fat. But do you know Peanut Butter is also a good source of micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals

Here is a list of vitamins and minerals found in Peanut butter

100gms of Peanut Butter a day can provide you with the following nutrients for your daily requirements by your body

  • Copper: 24% of the daily requirement
  • Folate: 18% of the daily requirement
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin): 67% of the daily requirement
  • Vitamin B6: 27% of the daily requirement
  • Vitamin E: 45% of the daily requirement
  • Magnesium: 39% of the daily requirement
  • Manganese: 73% daily requirement

Peanut Butter is Rich in Antioxidants

Antioxidants are essential for our body which helps us improve our immune system.

Peanut butter is a good source to supply some antioxidants to our body. Peanut butter is rich in antioxidants like p-coumaric acid, it also contains some amount of resveratrol which has shown to lower the risk of heart disease and many other chronic diseases when tested with animals.

Peanut can lower the risk of Diabetes and other Heart Disease

As discussed above Peanut butter has a low glycemic index so it can help us keep our blood sugar low which further decreases the risk of Diabetes.

Many studies conducted had given positive signs that consumption of nuts can help us avoid heart and respiratory diseases. In some cases, it might be helpful with cancer too.

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Tips to use Peanut Butter

We know that Peanut Butter can really help us with weight loss, we also know that Peanut Butter is really healthy and there are so many benefits of it but what about how to use it for maximum benefits, so here are some tips to help you use Peanut Butter

Don’t overeat

Yes Peanut Butter is healthy and it can also help suppress your hunger but that doesn’t mean that you can eat as much as you want because even if you drink too much water it can also have some side effects so take it in moderation.

Two spoons a day can be considered enough for you but if you are really big you can go for three spoons too.

Go Keto

Who has not heard of Keto Diet but if you are living in a Cave then you can consider Keto Diet as a diet in which you are allowed to eat a high amount of fats as you will eat a very low amount of carbs.

So in this diet fats overtakes carbs and you can eat much more peanut butter with this diet than the recommended dose.

Eat organic Peanut Butter

It is not just Peanut Butter but for any food, if you get a choice to choose between an Organic one and an Inorganic one then go for an Organic one with closed eyes.

These days there are so many chemicals are used by companies to make them so Organic one will be preferred but Organic.

Try new Recipes

Try new and different recipes with peanut butter so that you will not get bored.

Try it in your salad as a dressing or try it with yogurt or just dip some apple in it and eat, try different things that work for you.

Don’t be too harsh let it go

You are a human and you have emotions and mood swings so sometimes it is a good choice to eat as much as you want or even eat an unhealthy snack.

But don’t make it a habit because it won’t hurt if you do it once in a while.

FAQ for Peanut Butter

Let us answer some of the most common FAQ’ about Peanut Butter

Q 1.Can Peanut Butter make you fat?

Yes and no it all depends on how you eat it.
As it is high in calories so eating too much Peanut Butter can make you fat but if eaten in the proper form it can help you lose fat too.

Q 2.How much peanut butter makes you fat?

Eating more than two spoons can be a bad idea for you because it might result in more fat around your body.
But it depends on your body too because someone with 150lbs of weight will obviously need less fat than a person 250lbs of body weight.

Q 3.When should I eat peanut butter to lose weight?

The best time to eat peanut butter to lose weight will be to eat as a pre-workout meal so that it will give you energy for better performance in the gym.


Can you use Peanut Butter for weight loss, well it is obvious you know the answer if you have come so far?

So should you use Peanut Butter for weight loss, we recommend you to give it a try but don’t overdo it.

Also, what is your take from this article do let us know and share this article with someone who loves peanut butter to make them happy?

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Himanshu Gahlawat
Himanshu Gahlawat

Written by Himanshu Gahlawat

Fitness Enthusiast | Content Creator | Learning something new everyday

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