21 Foods For Erectile Dysfunction : What To Eat And What To Avoid

Himanshu Gahlawat
9 min readJul 2, 2020



Erectile Dysfunction is a very common problem today sometime people experience it because of stress and some times because of bad habits. but there are some foods for Erectile Dysfunction which can help you with Erectile Dysfunction.

Although it is a serious problem and people run to doctors for it, in most of the cases people can treat by making lifestyle changes and consuming certain foods for Erectile Dysfunction, yes if you consume foods for Erectile Dysfunction for a regular basis you will see a noticeable change.

So in this article, we will be covering everything like what is erectile dysfunction and what causes it and what can you do for it. We will also cover what foods to avoid for Erectile Dysfunction.

There are so many causes of Erectile Dysfunction, it contains both physical causes and emotional causes too.

Emotional cause like stress is the number one reason for Erectile Dysfunction, sometimes you can face temporary Erectile Dysfunction because of peer pressur e.

Anxiety and depression are other leading causes of Erectile dysfunction. Increased age and relationship problems can also cause Erectile Dysfunction. Drug abuse and sleep orders can also lead to Erectile Dysfunction.

There are so many physical conditions that can result in Erectile Dysfunction such as cholesterol, obesity, and hypertension.

Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis (MS) might be another factor for Erectile Dysfunction.

Diabetes and low testosterone levels is another factor that might cause Erectile Dysfunction.

The direct answer is yes, but it depends on your current condition like if you have just started to experience Erectile dysfunction and you only face rarely than including some foods for Erectile Dysfunction in your diet will help you for sure.

But on the other hand, if you face it on a regular basis and nothing seems to help you then you should go consult a doctor.

But if you experience only sometimes there are lifestyle changes and some food habits to change and you will see the noticeable result over time.

Some people prefer to take Viagra and it helps them too but sometimes taking too much Viagra can have side effects too.

There is a big list of foods for Erectile Dysfunction from watermelon to coffee and we will discuss every food in detail.

Foods for Erectile Dysfunction

This is a list of 21 foods for Erectile Dysfunction

Watermelon can do wonders for Erectile Dysfunction watermelon is so effective that it is considered as a natural viagra. Watermelon contains L-citrulline and it helps t stimulate blood flow to the penis.

Viagra helps in the same way by increasing blood flow to the penis as citrulline so it is considered as natural viagra. Watermelon juice is more effective than the whole watermelon so try to go for juice but try to stay go for organic one as it won,t have additives.

A study conducted on 24 men who took L-citrulline for a month saw improvements in Erectile Dysfunction situation.

Pomegranate is another wonderful fruit for Erectile Dysfunction. Pomegranates contain antioxidants known as anthocyanins which enhances nitric oxide (NO) levels which can directly help you with Erectile Dysfunction.

According to a 8 ounces of 100% Pomegranate Juice daily may help the study published, consuming management erectile dysfunction.

Ditching sugary drinks with coconut water after a workout or consuming coconut water on a hot day might not only make you feel energized but it can have other health benefits too.

Coconut water is rich in potassium, magnesium, and sodium which helps our heart’s ability to pump blood, and better the blood flow more blood will reach your penis which directly helps for Erectile Dysfunction.

This research published on Researchgate can help you improve fertility and testosterone levels which are responsible for better erections.

Getting enough caffeine in your body won,t directly help you with Erectile Dysfunction but it has some positive effects for Erectile Dysfunction when combined with other foods for Erectile Dysfunction.

One milligrams of Caffeine every day were study published revealed that people who drank about 180–370 less likely to report Erectile Dysfunction problems.

Spinach is another food that can help you with Erectile Dysfunction. Spinach is high in folic acid and folic acid deficiency is directly linked with Erectile Dysfunction.

Spinach also contains magnesium which can help improve blood flow.

Spinach is high in antioxidants that promote the production of nitrates in your body and nitrate helps smooth muscles and relax blood vessels which help to increase blood flow to the penis.

Avocado is a magic food, it is increases high in zinc which testosterone leve ls.

Avocado is also high in Vitamin E which helps widen blood vessels for better blood flow, Vitamin E also helps to improve sperm quality.

Avocado is a good fat source too which helps improve moo d and a good mood can do wonders in bed.

We know carrots are great for our eyes but a lesser-known fact is that carrots can also help us with Erectile Dysfunction.

Carrot is rich in Vitamin E, antioxidants, and beta-carotene which can help you improve your sperm health. Carotenoids are found in carrots which help you improve sperm count and motility.

Tomatoes are rich in Lycopene. Lycopene helps relax blood vessels naturally and boost blood circulation naturally which increases blood flow to the penis and which will help you with a healthy and long-lasting erection.

Lycopene is found in other deep red fruits such as pink grapefruit. It is recommended to eat tomato with olive oil as it increases the absorption of Lycopene.

Banana is a super common food that is loved by everyone and available everywhere.

Well including a banana in your diet will help you with Erectile Dysfunction. Banana is high in potassium.

Enriched with potassium bananas help in smooth blood flow by dilating arterioles which helps in better erections. Banana is an aphrodisiac that generates sexual feelings and helps to improve sexual health.

Onion is also an aphrodisiac so it will also boost your sexual feelings. Onion is also a natural libido enhancer.

Onions have allicin, which is a compound that can help you strengthen your blood flow to sexual muscles, and thus it is helpful in Erectile Dysfunction.

Regularly including garlic in your diet will help you produce healthy sperms, garlic is even linked to helping you with impotency.

Garlic has antioxidants that can help you improve blood flow to your penis.

Chewing two to four raw garlic cloves can do wonders for you, consume garlic on a daily basis for three months to see a noticeable difference.

Cherries contain anthocyanins, plant chemicals that can help to protect your artery walls, to help you prevent clogged arteries and improve blood flow in arteries, so more blood to reach your penis and help you with Erectile Dysfunction.

Not only cherries other berries are also helpful for erectile dysfunction

A by the study conducted University of East Anglia (UEA) and Harvard University claims that people who consumed cherries at least three times per week had better chances of avoiding Erectile Dysfunction in the future.

There are so many studies that claim that dark chocolate is really helpful in Erectile Dysfunction. Drak chocolate helps improve blood circulation. For the best result, it should have 70% cocoa in its ingredients.

Dark chocolate contains flavonoids and antioxidants they can help you remove toxins and repair damaged cells and indirectly help you with Erectile Dysfunction.

Dark chocolate will also help you with cholesterol and blood pressur e which both will contribute to helping you with Erectile Dysfunction. But keep it in moderation as it might help you gain extra weight.

Yes, oatmeal is boring and tasty but it is a superfood. Oats are rich in L-arginine and L-argin ine helps us to widen or open penile muscle vessels, which is one of the most important things to achieve harder erections.

A study conducted on 40 people and the result came out that people who were given regular L-arginine has some noticeable improvements against Erectile Dysfunction.

Beets have a high amount of nitrates and our body turns these nitrates into nitric oxid e and nitric oxide is really good for Erectile Dysfunction.

Beetroot is even sold a supplement for the same cause.

Grapes are another superfood to help you with Erectile Dysfunction.

Just like berries eating grapes or any other type of citrus fruit will help you with maintaining a solid hard erection and if you include these fruits in your diet it can even prevent Erectile Dysfunction in advance.

Grapes are rich in flavonoid and they could prevent Erectile Dysfunction by improving vascular health.

A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that eating flavonoid-rich foods

could even decrease the risk of developing an Erectile Dysfunction.

According to a study published in medicalnewstoday eating two handfuls of nuts daily helped people improve their sexual life in different ways.

Especially walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts when added to a particular western diet helped people increase their libido and in some cases, it even helped improve the quality of sperms.

Nuts increase the production of nitric oxide in your body which in turn helps improve blood flow which directly helps us with Erectile Dysfunction.

Legumes are another food that can help you with Erectile Dysfunction.

Legumes can help you increase nitric acid production in your body which in turn can increase blood flow.

It is recommended to eat a handful of different types of beans daily for some time to see visible results.

Eating fish on a regular basis could do wonders for your sex life.

Fish are rich in omega 3 and eating more omega 3 will help you to increase blood flow to your penis and it will even help you with high blood pressure, which can indirectly cause Erectile Dysfunction.

Wild salmon, mackerel, and herring fishes are pretty rich in omega 3 acids.

Oysters are aphrodisiac in nature so it boosts our sexual mood.

Oysters are very much rich in zinc which is one of the most important minerals for the production of the male sex hormone testosterone, low testosterone levels are also responsible for Erectile Dysfunction so Oysters can help in that case.

Oysters can also help us boost dopamine which helps us improve our libido.

Spicing up your food can also spice up your sex life.

Spicey food can help you widen your blood vessels which will allow blood to flow more easily. Capsaicin is the most important element of spicey food.

Capsaicin is considered as a mild blood thinner so blood-thinning might increase your blood flow. It helps your heart to pump more blood easily.

These were the foods for Erectile Dysfunction, including these foods in your regular diet will help you with Erectile Dysfunction.

After discussing foods for Erectile Dysfunction it is necessary to discuss food to avoid for Erectile Dysfunction.

Certain foods that can thicken your blood or decrease your blood flow or even clog your arteries should be avoided as they can result in Erectile Dysfunction.

Alcohol one of the leading causes of Erectile Dysfunction.

Try to avoid sugary and packed foods as they are bad for penile health. Processed meat is also responsible for Erectile Dysfunction at some levels, also tries to avoid high-fat food especially bad fat.

Erectile Dysfunction is not an uncommon problem many people suffer from it from age 4o and above.

But there are certain foods for Erectile Dysfunction which can help you.

There are a number of these foods for Erectile Dysfunction so include them in your daily diet for some time you will be able to see noticeable changes.

Originally published at https://simplebodyfitness.com on July 2, 2020.



Himanshu Gahlawat
Himanshu Gahlawat

Written by Himanshu Gahlawat

Fitness Enthusiast | Content Creator | Learning something new everyday

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