12 Reasons Why Should We Do Yoga Regularly | Health Benefits Of Yoga
Yoga is as old as our civilization, there are proofs that yoga was practiced in ancient times too and it is even mentioned in ancient texts of Hindu mythology and it is defined as one of the ways to achieve inner peace.
There are so many reasons why should we do yoga regularly because from spirituality to mental strength there are so many health benefits of yoga.
From Hollywood star Jennifer Aniston to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi there are so many celebrities who swear by yoga.
If you are looking for the reasons as we should do yoga regularly then we will give those reasons in this article as we will explain to some wonderful health benefits of yoga.
Why should we do yoga regularly?
As if you want a direct answer to this question that why you should do yoga than understand this yoga will help you in every aspect of life.
Doing yoga regularly has proven to increase mental strength as well as it has proven to increase your focus and concentration power too.
If you are into spirituality then can be a gold mine for you as it has been mentioned in many ancient texts than is one of the ways to connect to god.
But if you are here for the health benefits of yoga than don’t worry we got you covered as we will discuss 11 health benefits of yoga.
Health benefits of Yoga
From improving your flexibility to help you increase your focus there are so many reasons as to why should we do yoga and enjoy the health benefits of yoga, let’s discuss them
1.Yoga helps you improve your flexibility
The first reason why should we do yoga regularly is improved flexibility.
If you have flexibility issues in your body than you can visit any doctor or physiotherapist they are going to recommend you some poses to practice to do regularly and all of them come from yoga.
Better flexibility is one of the most obvious benefits of yoga and great thing is that it won’t take much time to see improved flexibility you will see some improvements in around 2 weeks only.
From tight hips to tight hamstrings or your lower back pain yoga got you covered.
As you will progress from basic yoga moves to advanced moves you will see your body completely changed in terms of flexibility and mobility.
2. Yoga helps you build muscle strength
Yoga can help you improve your muscle strength you must have seen so many people doing a single handstand and many different poses which seems too hard, yoga can help you get the strength to perform those poses.
Also, you can build strength by going to the gym only but it can affect your flexibility so doing yoga a few times a week or just yoga can be good for your overall health.
But keep in mind that yoga will get you muscle strength but if you looking to get big and buff than only yoga is enough s not enough you need to hit the weights.
3. Yoga improves your bone strength
Bone strength is one of the important aspects to have a fit and perfectly functional body.
Lifting weights has been proven to improve bone strength and in certain poses, in yoga, you need to lift your weight so it will help you with your bone strength too.
Yoga will help you improve bone density levels in vertebrae.
A study done in 2009 found that if done regularly with proper guidance it helps you improve your bone density.
4. Yoga helps you sculpt your body
Another health benefits of yoga are that if done regularly it can help you sculpt your body.
To meet today’s requirements we need to sit for longer that might be for our work reasons or study reason but it leads to a hunch back and bad posture and it can lead to many other problems in our body but 20 minutes of yoga a day can help you avoid these problems.
Yoga gives you a strong core and strong core doesn’t only means a six-pack but it also has other benefits like improved posture and backache prevention.
5. Yoga helps you with anxiety
Anxiety is such a common issue today and it can be dangerous it can have some really bad effects on us.
Yoga has shown some positive results many times to help people with anxiety issues as it calms our minds too.
Shallow breathing is one of both causes and results of anxiety attacks and yoga can help you improve your breathing and help you defeat anxiety too.
6. Yoga helps you improve immunity
Another reason why should we do yoga regularly is that it can help us improve the immunity of our bodies.
Different type of movements is good for our immune system so twisting, back bending, and stretching in yoga do wonder for our immune system.
Also breathing in yoga is also great for our immune system. Yoga has a direct effect on the working of the nervous system.
Yoga can boost the immune system when it is needed such as in the case of raising antibody levels in response to a vaccine and lowering it when it is needed.
7. Yoga is great for runners
Yoga improves our lung capacity and helps us with breathing.
Yoga has a direct impact on increasing the oxygen intake capacity in our respiratory system which directly helps us to perform better and makes us less tired.
Also, yoga promotes breathing through the nose which warms out the air and also filters the air and removes dirt, and purifies the air.
8. Yoga makes you feel good
The after-effects of yoga are really good it makes you feel good about you and your body and you will feel relaxed instantly.
Some yoga poses are good for our body that if you even feeling sad and you perform those yoga poses for some time then you will be smiling and feeling good after that.
One of such pose is the King dancer pose.
9. Yoga helps improve your posture
One of the best reasons why should we do yoga regularly is that it will help us improve our posture.
If you perform yoga on a daily basis then it will improve your posture and you will feel tall and you will sit straight sit on your desk not slouching back.
There are so many types of pains and stress in your muscles which are mostly caused by bad posture.
10. Yoga helps you improve blood flow
One of the health benefits of yoga is that it improves blood flow in your body.
When you will perform certain yoga poses it will increase the blood flow in your body mostly in legs and hands.
Better blood flow in your body will provide you many benefits even it will help you heal faster and it will help you with inflammation too.
Yoga will boost red blood cells and your hemoglobin levels which will carry more oxygen to tissues.
11 .Yoga will help you lose weight and get slim
Another reason why should we do yoga is that it will help us lose weight and get slim and fit too.
When we do yoga poses it will burn a lot of calories and that can help us lose weight.
Another thing about yoga is that it is less likely to give you stretch marks when you lose weight when compared with strength training.
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12 .Yoga will help you with better sleep
If you have sleep issues than you should consider doing yoga because it relaxes our mind and helps you improve your sleep quality.
Lack of sleep can even lead to many other problems in our body such as heart disease, kidney problems, and many other problems too.
In this article, we had discussed so many health benefits of yoga and there are so many reasons why should we do yoga regularly.
You should do yoga even for 20 mins a day it benefits you and helps you improve your life quality in many ways.
If you don’t have enough time then find time to do yoga for at least 3 days a week and enjoy the health benefits of yoga.
If you like this article on why should we do yoga regularly then do share this article with someone who needs yoga.
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Originally published at https://simplebodyfitness.com on October 11, 2020.