11 Dangerous Side Effects Of Coffee | Side Effects Of Caffeine

Himanshu Gahlawat
6 min readJul 20, 2020


Coffee side effects

Isn’t it funny that I am having my morning coffee and writing this article, that is how much we are addicted to caffeine so it becomes more important to address the side effects of caffeine?

A cup of coffee in the morning can refresh your mood and make you feel energized but if you consume too much caffeine then there can be some side effects of coffee. Let us discuss 11 side effects of caffeine and why you should not consume too much coffee.

This article was originally published at Simplebodyfitness.com

In this article first, we will discuss all side effects on our body and skin, then we will also discuss side effects that affect separately on men and women.

Here are 11 side effects of coffee

1. Anxiety

First and foremost, the most common side effect of caffeine is that it can trigger some anxiety issues.

Caffeine is a stimulant and it can increase your heart rate and that is not good news for people with anxiety issues.

Caffeine-induced anxiety is such a long researched issue that there is a particular Wikipedia page dedicated to Caffeine-induced anxiety. So if you have anxiety issues it will be better if you limit your caffeine intake.

2. High blood pressure

Although caffeine does not directly affect your heart health as it increases your blood pressure than it might create a problem for people who has to hear problems.

But the good news is that the effect of caffeine on blood pressure is temporary it will go normal in some time but if you already have some blood pressure issues it can probably make your situation worse.

Limiting your dosage can help you a lot if you have problems or blood pressure issues.

3. Insomnia

It is probably one of the most common side effects of coffee, as coffee is known to increase our alertness and can help us when we feel sleepy while working but regularly using coffee as to avoid sleep may generate sleep issues too.

Studies have found that higher your caffeine intake higher the time you will take to fall asleep.

Also, it depends on your genetics too that how much coffee you can consume without interfering with your sleep. Caffeine can stay in your system from two hours to nine hours depending on the individual.

Most of the time coffee drinkers or people who increased their caffeine intake suddenly will face this problem.


Yes, more caffeine can affect your digestion too. Coffee makes our body release a hormone known as gastrin that speeds up the colon activity in our stomach. And the consumption of too much caffeine can stimulate bowel movements by increasing peristalsis.

This effect of coffee can cause diarrhea and may even result in diarrhea or can you make loose stools.

Also, there is a myth that coffee can cause stomach ulcers, there was research done on 8000 people that found no link between them.

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5. Fatigue

Coffee makes you feel energized by increasing your energy levels but it can also make you fatigue when caffeine leaves your system.

One study conducted resulted that people felt more energy when they had more caffeine but they felt more tired throughout the day.

You can avoid this tiredness by drinking more coffee whenever you feel tired but drinking that much coffee will affect your sleep for sure and can even result in insomnia.

6.Bladder problem

Coffee can make you take a number of trips to the toilet. When you will intake more caffeine than usual you will see you need to urinate more than usual.

This is because coffee is stimulant also sometimes this can lead to some serious bladder problems

Also, this happens only in extreme cases only this is not a common problem if your is around two cups or three cups you won’t face this problem but if you already have some bladder problem than you might need to keep an eye on it.

7. Muscle breakdown

There is body condition known as Rhabdomyolysis in which damaged muscle fibers enter our bloodstream which can lead to dangerous side effects such as kidney failure.

Caffeine is not a common cause of this problem but there have been reports of caffeine causing this. But in those cases, consumption of coffee was as high as 500 of caffeine which is too much for a human to consume.

To avoid this situation it is prescribed to not consume more than 250mg of caffeine.

8. Bone thinning

Drinking too much coffee can increase the amount of calcium that we flush out through urine which in return can make our bones thin and weak.

Generally, if don’t take more than 3 cups of coffee a day chances are that you won’t face this problem people who absorb less Vitamin D are more prone to this problem especially Postmenopausal women who inherit a condition which stops them from absorbing sufficient Vitamin D.

Taking calcium supplements alongside can help you.

9.Bipolar disorder

Caffeine is a strong stimulant and taking a high dosage of caffeine can trigger manic episodes.

The National Sleep Foundation published a report which revealed that taking caffeine can increase anxiety and irritability which both are the triggering factors for a manic episode in people with bipolar disorder.

Also, high caffeine can make you sleep-deprived, and sleep deprivation is directly linked with bipolar mood swings.

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10. Nutrition depletion

Taking too much caffeine can make you deplete in some vitamins and minerals.

As caffeine is a bathroom stimulant and it can make you take many trips to the bathroom so due to more urination sometimes it becomes more difficult for our body to absorb all essential nutrients and vitamins.

This is because most of the time all these are flushed out through urine.

11. Addiction

Addiction to anything weather be it alcohol or coffee will have some kind of side effect.

When a person gets addicted to caffeine it becomes very much difficult for him to stay up the whole day and complete daily tasks if he does not consume his daily caffeine intake because he will feel tired and weak the whole day.

If you want to know that you are addicted to coffee just don’t drink coffee for two days straight and see how you feel do you feel tired or fatigued, sometimes you can also feel irritated.

These were 11 side effects of coffee know let us discuss some other issues with coffee.

What are the side effects of coffee on the skin?

You must have those advertisements of high caffeine products to help you get better skin well they might help you in some way bu excess caffeine can have some negative effects too.

As caffeine is a natural dehydrator it can make water flush out of our body and dehydration is a problem that affects your whole body and it will have effects on your body too so keep an eye on it, to avoid this problem start drinking more water.

Well, caffeine doest cause acne but it can increase stress and anxiety and they are some direct cause of acne.

Coffee can cause breakouts too if consumed in more quantity. If you consume around two cups of coffee a day you don’t need to worry about any skin problem that can be caused by caffeine.

Also if caffeine extracts directly applied to your skin can provide some really visible benefits too as it is an antioxidant too.

What are the side effects of coffee in females

There are some side effects of coffee which usually happen in females only and we need to discuss them also.

A study by the National Institutes of Health showed that too much consumption of coffee by women can decrease estrogen levels in some cases.

Also, there are some cases that Caffeine might cause Cyst Formation in the Breast and Ovaries.

If you are facing a period, fibroids, endometriosis, infertility, or low sex drive than coffee can make it worse.

To know more in detail read this article Why some women can’t drink Coffee

A moderate amount of coffee is good for our health but as we know anything over a moderate amount will have a negative effect.

Well there are so many side effects of coffee but most of these side effects can be avoided if coffee is consumed in moderation

To have your coffee safely without side effects examine your body that how much caffeine your body permits you to consume and have only that much amount and stay healthy.

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Originally published at https://simplebodyfitness.com on July 20, 2020.



Himanshu Gahlawat
Himanshu Gahlawat

Written by Himanshu Gahlawat

Fitness Enthusiast | Content Creator | Learning something new everyday

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