11 Best Fitness Motivation Quotes by Arnold Schwarzenegger

Himanshu Gahlawat
5 min readOct 26, 2021
Fitness Motivation Quotes by Arnold Schwarzenegger

So you have been working out for some time and you have got great results but it seems that you don’t want to hit the gym today but you know you have to keep going so here are some fitness motivation quotes to keep you going.

We started this new series where we will post fitness motivation quotes, fitness motivation videos, or anything that can help you get motivated and fit, so we will be posting regular motivation content so keep coming back.

I will try my best to explain the true meaning of each quote by The Legend Arnold Schwarzenegger.

These fitness motivation quotes will motivate you not just to hit the gym but will also motivate you in every phase of life.

Fitness is not just one month or one time game but it is a lifestyle you have to keep going no matter what but some times our motivation drops and we just don’t feel like going but a quote from idol can burn a fire in you too and can make you hit the gym even harder.

11 Fitness Motivation Quotes by Arnold Schwarzenegger

1.”The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it, as long as you really believe 100 percent”.

It basically means that if you can imagine yourself doing it in your mind then you can do it, your thoughts and your mind put a limit on you but once you overcome it then no one stops you.

2. “Just remember, you can’t climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets”

You have to do the work to get something you always wanted, you just can not sit idle and expect anything to happen.

You have to work for it, you have to grind for it only then you can reach your goal, you can achieve anything just by sitting idle.

3. ” You can have excuses or results, not both”.

If you want to achieve a goal you have to keep your excuses aside because either you can make excuses and give up or you can work hard enough to face the problems and reach your goals.

4. “You must see it. You must believe it. And then you must never stop working to make it happen”

You have to imagine your goal in your mind and then believe that you can achieve it and start working towards it not matter how much time it takes but you have to keep going until you reach the goal.

5.”Pain makes me grow. Growing is what I want. Therefore, for me pain is pleasure”.

There is no gain without pain. If you are headed out for growth then you have to be ready to bear pain, because growth takes place outside your comfort zone only so consider pain as pleasure and keep working

6.”You have to remember something: Everybody pities the weak, jealousy you have to earn”.

Nobody supports the weak everyone just pities the weak, so you have to become stronger but if you are successful then people who would pity you will be jealous of your success but you have to work hard and earn that jealousy.

9. “Where the mind goes, the body will follow”.

If you can believe that you can look a certain way or you can have a certain type of body then you can achieve what only you can look like, the body will follow if your mind believes it.

8. “I never believed I was average, and that alone is a reason I wasn’t”.

Do not consider yourself to be average, you are special because unless you consider yourself to be special you will not be special you will not be above average.

9. “If you want to turn a vision into reality, you have to give 100% and never stop believing in your dream”.

If you want to achieve your goal, turn your vision into reality you will have to believe it because if even you cant believe then why anyone else will believe and how can it come true if even you have doubt about it.

10.” I Want Someone To Look At Me And Say Because Of You I Didn’t Give Up”.

Try to work so hard, try to be a motivating figure than when some feel to give up than they can just look up to you for motivation.

11.” Work hard in silence let your success make the noise”.

Don’t speak about your goals, do not discuss your goals with anyone just keep working hard once you will achieve your goals your results your success will speak for itself only.

So these Fitness Motivation Quotes by Arnold Schwarzenegger will help you stay motivated .

Which one of these is your favourite out of these quotes



Himanshu Gahlawat

Fitness Enthusiast | Content Creator | Learning something new everyday